4 things you can do to help you prepare for your job search

Before I graduated from business school in May 2014, I spent a solid six months hunting for a full-time job. Now, I'd invested a whole lot of money and time into getting my MBA, so I knew I had to do my homework to find the perfect job opportunity.

Picture this: I was a full-time student, juggling a part-time gig at the Associated Press. On top of that, I was glued to my computer screen, spending countless hours researching jobs online, crafting those dreaded cover letters, polishing up my résumé, and firing off applications like there was no tomorrow.

And hey, let's not forget about networking. I was reaching out to folks left and right, hoping to make that one meaningful connection that would change the game.

I won't sugarcoat it – the whole ordeal was beyond exhausting. What's worse, when you don't see any results, it really takes a toll on your confidence.

Can you relate to that? Are you in the thick of a job search that's doing a number on your self-esteem?

If that sounds like your current situation, keep on reading, because in this blog post, I've got 4 tips to help you prepare for your job search.

1. Work on your intention and purpose.

First things first, let's get down to the nitty-gritty – to prepare for your job search figure out where you want to go and why. Now, finding your career purpose, it's no walk in the park; it takes some serious time and self-reflection. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. You can start by identifying a couple of elements that resonate with you.

Consider what you excel at. Can you pinpoint your strengths and relate them to specific experiences? What about your values? What do you stand for? Let those values be your compass in your quest for the right company culture.

You see, the lesson I learned from my own grueling job search back in business school was this: the journey becomes a whole lot less painful when the job you're pursuing aligns with your values and your strengths.

2. Prepare your application.

Once you've got some clarity on your strengths, values, and purpose, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get ready.

Your application typically includes a résumé, a cover letter, a LinkedIn profile, and your personal story – just the essentials for now. I could talk your ear off about each of these, but let me highlight some key points.


A tidy format, solid writing, and zero typos are a given. But here's a little secret: the most standout résumés are results-oriented. For instance, if you're in digital marketing, share those budget numbers you managed and the success rates of your campaigns. Numbers speak volumes, my friends.

Cover letter: 

Forget about talking solely about yourself and your aspirations. Focus on how your experience can benefit the employer. What skills can you bring to the table that directly address their needs? Learn about their challenges, make it about them, and you'll have their full attention.

LinkedIn profile: 

Social media presence is key for building your personal brand. If it feels overwhelming, start with a rock-solid summary highlighting the value you bring. Keep your job descriptions concise and to the point.

For example, consider a professional in the marketing industry who aims to convey their expertise:


🚀 Marketing Strategist | Digital Maven | Storyteller

Passionate about shaping brand narratives and boosting ROI through data-driven strategies. With 8+ years of experience, I've honed my skills in crafting compelling campaigns that drive engagement and conversion. My unique ability to blend creativity with analytics has consistently delivered remarkable results for both small startups and Fortune 500 companies.

A well-crafted summary like this is invaluable for your personal brand because it encapsulates the essence of your expertise and accomplishments in just a few lines, instantly capturing the reader's attention. 

The summary highlights their passion for shaping brand narratives and driving ROI but also showcases their extensive experience.

Personal story:

Your story is a chance to be vulnerable and share your big dreams and vision with potential employers. Who are you? Where have you been, and where are you heading? Instead of a standard elevator pitch, let's dig deeper in 30 seconds or less.

3. Leverage your personal interests.

What do you love doing in your spare time? Do you have a hobby or a passion that gets your heart racing? Are you using your strengths?

If your current job doesn't quite align with your personal interests, that's alright. Take a moment to brainstorm what you could do outside of your regular working hours. You can showcase your skills and values through experiences beyond your 9-to-5.

Engaging in something on the side, if you have the time, can bring you joy and let you flex your strengths while picking up new skills. It might just be the perfect bridge to transition into a new industry or role where you lack experience.

4. Remember, you are not your job.

If the job search has you feeling down and your confidence is taking a hit, always remember this: your worth isn't determined by recruiters or employers hiring you. You, my friend, are absolutely amazing and unique, and you don't need anyone else to validate that.

And guess what? You're not alone in this struggle. Many of us have been there at some point or another. If you're hitting a roadblock, take a breather, clear your mind, and reassess.

So, there you have it, how to effectively prepare for your job search. Are you currently on the hunt for a new job? Have you wrestled with the ups and downs of job searching before? I'd love to hear about your experiences and the steps you take to prep yourself for the job search journey.


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