Who we are

Hi! I’m Belma McCaffrey - Founder, Executive Coach, and Leadership Program Developer

I founded Work Bigger because it was what I needed many years ago. 

Prior to building my own business, I spent 10+ years in corporate America working at large organizations, like the Associated Press, Conde Nast and GroupM. I saw the importance of working at a company that has a healthy culture and happy and engaged employees.

I’ve supported dozens of brands with leadership development, teaming and wellbeing, including organizations in luxury fashion, media, food, and finance, such as Owyn, Oath, Burberry and The Financial Times.

I’ve also coached hundreds of individuals at all levels - from the C-suite to individual contributors.

I have an MBA from Baruch College, and a BA from Syracuse University. 

I’ve received my coaching and facilitator training from the NeuroLeadership Institute and COR, and I specialize in supporting teams and individuals with behavior change and emotional intelligence. 

On a personal note, I’m a refugee born in Albania. I moved to the U.S. when I was 8 years old, and I live in NJ with my husband and two kids.

  • Kristin Chasky


    After 10+ years in sales, marketing and product development within startups and multi-million dollar corporations, Kristin reached a level of “success” only to find herself still in the viscous cycle of burnout.

    Eventually, Kristin found Belma and signed up for private coaching. Her life was transformed. Using the tools and techniques she developed in coaching, she has created a life and career she loves.

    Kristin decided to become a coach so she can share her knowledge and experience to help others create a life and career that they love. She is certified in Brain-Based coaching with the Neuroleadership Institute and is a trained meditation teacher.

  • Mariah Session


    Mariah spent years working as an executive assistant for Fortune 500 companies, feeling disengaged and unfulfilled despite the prestigious roles.

    In 2019, she transitioned to working for small business owners and discovered a passion for supporting purpose-driven individuals in their business endeavors. This led her to create her own company dedicated to this mission.

    In 2023, Mariah began working with Belma and the Work Bigger team as their dedicated EA. She finds immense fulfillment in supporting a cause that is making a significant difference in so many people’s lives.

Work Bigger’s in the Media